Li Linzhi
Li Linzhi, a historian, serves as a distinguished professor at Shanxi University. He also holds an Adjunct Professorship at Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.
Lin Handa
Lin Handa (1900-1972), a native of Zhenhai, Zhejiang Province, was an educator, linguist, philologist, and historian. Lin went to the US in 1937 to study popular education, and then returned to China after receiving his doctorate in the summer of 1939.
Lu Yang
Lu Yang is a co-founder of the China Children’s Sci-fi Union, member of the China Writers Association, and Council member of the China Science Writers Association.
Li Qingsong
Li Qingsong serves the Vice President of China Natural Resources Writers Association, and member of Literary Reportage Committee of China Writers Association.
Liang Heng
​Liang Heng is a famous scholar, news theorist and writer. Liang worked as a journalist with Guangming Daily, Deputy Director of the State General Administration of Press and Publication, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of People's daily.
Lawrence Wang-chi Wong
Wang Hongzhi, a distinguished scholar of Chinese translation and literature, holds a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Li Linzhi
Li Linzhi was born in 1967 by the name of Li Lin.
Liang Heng
The author Liang Heng is a famous scholar, journalism theorist, and writer.
Li Qingsong
Li Qingsong, graduated from the Law School of China University of Political Science and Law, serves as a staff member of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, vice president of China Natural Resources Writers Association, member of the Literary Reportage Committee of China Writers Association.
Liu Yuan
Liu Yuan started to study composition from Professor Guo Zurong in 1975. In 1986, he entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and studied composition under the guidance of Professor Yang Liqing, Zhao Xiaosheng and so on.