Wang Hongchao
Graduated from Fudan University with a PhD in literature, Professor Wang Hongchao has been teaching in the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University.
Wang Zhenfu
A professor and doctoral supervisor of Chinese Department of Fudan University. He has long been engaged in teaching and research in the fields of Chinese architectural culture, Yi culture aesthetics, Buddhist aesthetics and Chinese aesthetic history.
Fan Shuzhi
A historian and professor of Fudan University. Representative works include Illustrated History of China, Emperor Wanli, Emperor Chongzhen, etc.
Cui Daiyuan
A writer and cultural scholar, columnist of Xinhua Daily Telegraph, Hong Kong Commercial Newspapers and other newspapers and scholor guest of CCTV, China National Radio, Beijing Television and other media.
Ge Jianxiong
A senior professor of Fudan University, a librarian of China Central Institute of Literature and History, a famous scholar, especially in the fields of historical geography, population history and so on.
Jin Hongkui
Vice President of China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation, a historic building expert and former Deputy Director of the Palace Musium.
Chao Gu
Chao Gu was born in Beijing in 1962, member of Chinese Artists Association, stamp designer and researcher of calligraphy and painting academy in China Central Institute for Culture and History.
Gao Ge
Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Gao Ge is interested in observing small animals and plants, then describes the world in her eye with creative imagination.
Di Wu
Born in China, Di Wu was an editor and illustrator in one of the biggest Chinese fine arts publishing companies before going to Australia.
Christopher Cheng
Christopher Cheng is an award-winning children's author.