This book is divided into twelve parts. Part 1 “Pre-capitalist Economic Forms” explores the economies of primitive society, slave society, and feudal society. Part 2 “Simple Commodity Economy” examines the emergence of commodity production, its inherent contradictions, the attributes of labor embodied within commodities, and so on. Part 3 "Capitalism and Theories of Surplus Value" introduces the basic features of capitalism, the general concept of capital, and so on. Part 4 "Theory of Wages" analyzes the concept of labor and its value, nominal wages, real wages, and so on. As its heading indicates, Part 5 focuses on "Capital Accumulation and Economic Crises". Part 6 "Circuit and Turnover of Capital" examines the three phases and forms of capital circuit, circuit of productive capital, circuit of commodity capital, and so on. Part 7 "Theory of Profit" delves into the relationships between production costs and profits, as well as profit rates and capital turnover, among other pertinent topics. Part 8 "Theories of Credit and Finance" introduces concepts such as loan capital, interest, profit, and interest on borrowing. Part 9 introduces the land rent theory. Part 10 "Theories of Imperialism" discusses the emergence of financial capital and the concept of capitalist crisis, among other pertinent topics. Part 11 "Economy of New Democracy" examines the history and features of the economy of New Democracy, economic policies of New Democracy, etc. Part 12 "Socialist Economy" introduces the emergence and development of socialism, the laws and norms of socialist economy, and so on.